A man has to know his limitations
Sunday, September 25th, 2022 | Uncategorized | No Comments
“A man has to know his limitations”
Harry Callahan/ Dirty Harry
I always thought I’d write many things on the ORBC blog. I like to write, and I like to read what others write, so I thought having an outlet to share random thoughts with the world would be something I’d enjoy doing. But have you ever heard the old expression “there’s not enough hours in the day”?
There really must not be enough hours in the day, since every time I think of something I want to share on this blog, I never seem to find the time to put my thoughts through this keyboard, and add them to the dismal number of blog posts I’ve done.
I’ve scrawled many pages of stories about the pandemic shortages of the last 2+ years, wanting to add them to the blog, but I’ve got too much. I could write a book about how that’s affected the bike industry since early 2020. A big book. Maybe later.
We depend too much on all this electronic stuff around us. I do anyway, and I’ve yet to understand much of it, or want to take the time to learn all about it. I have a healthy fear of it, and know my fear is caused by my ignorance of it all. But I carry on like everyone else, attached to my phone, my computers, using them all day, yet with no clue what to do the next time I step into a glitch of some sort. I think I just did.
Some of my electronic connection gizmos are misbehaving lately. Badly. Social media stuff isn’t being very sociable to ORBC. Until I find a sympathetic guru ( HELP!) to pull me back from the abyss, and lend a much needed helping hand, hopefully soon, we may blink and fade a little in cyber whatever.
But we’ll still be here like always. Well, except for those few days off coming up this week (Sept 29th though Oct 4th, to be exact).
So if we blink, you can always call us on the phone.
Or send an e-mail to bill@oakridgebicyclecenter.com.
We’ll answer, ASAP.
“What we’ve got here is failure to communicate.”
Captain/Cool Hand Luke
Nope, we’ll still be communicating, even if we fade, blink, pop, or hiss a bit.
Bill, September 25th, 2022